Thursday 5 September 2013

Come Back To Me

Your eyes, your eyes...
They are so far away
So distant, so far away
Open, seeing nothing
Roving some distant lands

And here you are
Right beside me
Holding my hands
Closer than my skin
Yet a thousand mile apart

The burdens you call your own
You never have to bear alone
Come back here
Where ever you are
Come back to me

Tuesday 3 September 2013

The Story Of The Twenty-One Beads


She walks in beauty like a night
Of cloudless climes and starry skies
And all that's best of dark and bright
Meet in her aspect and her eyes
Now, twenty quaint beads adorn
The swinging rhythm of her waist
No more the little girl of dawn
Hours flew past in haste


Hundreds of papers and rivers of inks
Woefully failed their noble duty
In describing her radiant beauty
And the magic that happens when she blinks
One more bead slides down the cord
Kissed the twentieth and whispered a word
We lost another girl to the women I say
It’s the third of September today

3rd of September 2011
©Olaniyan Adewale Prince
For Funmi Aruwajoye, on the event of her initiation into ‘womanhood’. Wish you many more beads.

Friday 30 August 2013


I smile at you from inches away
I stretch my hands, caress your face
But my heart can’t reach that far.
I keep telling myself I know you,
I know you! I swear I do!
Time and again you prove me wrong.

A lot has changed, it seems.
Like the peeling layers of an onion
The wrappers are all on the floor now
Stark naked for the first time
I behold my present… unpacked
I meet you… I meet the real you.

I knew a girl once
Soft as a whisper
Sweet as a flower
I fell in love with her
Pure as the morning dew
She looked a lot you

I wonder if she is in there…
Behind this mask I behold
In there, somewhere, hidden
Within this shell I hold...
I wonder if she is reaching
Reaching out to me...

Tuesday 20 August 2013

Not Today!

 I have courted the lioness
The feral graceful cat,
And in all her prowess
I have won her heart
Or so I think

She walks me proudly
Before her kind
Silenced many a hungry howl
Froze many a greedy growl
With but a single scowl

She took meat from her gangs
My hunger to atone
Caressed me with her fangs
On a bed of rotten bones
My rivals in envy watched

I looked deep into her eyes
Steaming cauldron of tender love
Loads of brutal strength for spice
In those blood curdling stuff
I clearly saw my fear

One day, I may be waking
Not in the warmth of her embrace
One day, I may be waking
In the warmth of her belly
One day... but not today

Friday 21 June 2013

Together Once Again!

We meet again my long lost friend
Oh! How lean you have grown!
You come for me my wounds to tend
In spite of everything I’ve done
All I have left are tiny little traces
Painful memories of all the fun
In the solace of your embraces
Time will pass and I will heal

I fell in love or so I thought
I willingly gave all I’ve got
And As if that wasn’t enough
You know the way it is with love
I found a way to give some more
To you my friend I closed my door
You couldn’t our laughter share
Our love songs you couldn’t bear

How it pains my heart tonight
That the friend that stands by me
When all else neglect my plight
Is the one I gave for free
In exchange for just one kiss
Together once again… my friend and I
Just like it’s been in time past
I pray this union does not last
Together once again… Loneliness and I

Friday 14 June 2013



Laughter so true, heart so whole
Pure as gold, Eyes of a clear soul
...the eyes of a smiling baby
Blissful ignorance, blind trust
Till I met curiosity as I must

It built a longing in my heart
It led me down a lonely path
In the eyes of the moon and stars
Curiosity built a fire in my eyes
Like the glint in the eyes of the wise

Maybe we went too far
Maybe we crossed that line
Now, nothing is just black or white
Now, I see various shades of gray
A shadow across my heart

Like a word hastily spoken
Like an egg easily broken
Innocence vanished
Like smoke in the darkness of night
Like shadows in the presence of light

Wearing this mask that grin and lies
Hides my guilt and shades my eyes
I crave for the “me” I used to know
How does one unlearn alone
That which is already known

I see everyone wears this mask
I wonder if the thought bugs you too
In spite of this sweet but plastic smile
If you crave the "you" before the fall
If you miss the "you" you used to know